Writing Syntax for Conditions
For a review of Conditions related to Scenarios please refer to the article here. Conditions, in Scenarios, take the form of a comparison that can create a filter in your table structure.
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Allowed Conditions Syntax
Standard comparison operators include: =, >, <, >=, <=, !=. You can also use the LIKE or NOT LIKE operators and the % or * values for wildcards for string comparisons. The % and * wildcard operators are equivalent within Cosmic Frog (though, best practice is to use the % wildcard symbol since this is valid in the database code).
Following are some examples valid condition syntax:
Business Goal | Condition Syntax |
Filter for items with unit value above 45 | unitvalue>45 |
Apply condition for product with name RM_01 | productname=’RM_01′ |
Reference products with demand over 1,000 units including 1,000 | quantity>=1000 |
Filter for all Distribution Centers by prefix | facilityname LIKE ‘DC_%’ |
Filter for all Distribution Centers by prefix | facilityname LIKE ‘DC_*’ |
Filter for all Facilities that are not Distribution Centers by prefix | facilityname NOT LIKE ‘DC_%’ |
Filter for all Facilities that are not Distribution Centers by prefix | facilityname NOT LIKE ‘DC_*’ |