Anura 2.8 Upgrade Information
With the 2.8 version of Anura there are quite a few new tables and columns being added, along with a small number of existing columns that have been renamed. These updates enable new features including, but not limited to, the following:
- Time window support for HOPPER
- Detailed rate structures for HOPPER
- Load Balancing for HOPPER
- CO2 Emissions for HOPPER / NEO
- New costs and constraints in NEO
- Production Wheels in THROG
- Transportation Route Planning in THROG
We will cover the 2 instances of breaking changes below, followed by a more detailed review of schema adjustments specific to each solver. If you have any questions regarding these updates, please do not hesitate to reach out to for further information.
The Transportation Rates table previously used by NEO has been renamed to Transportation Band Costing in 2.8. This is done to allow for a Hopper-specific table to be built out and take the name of Transportation Rates. All data upgrades will be processed automatically, but any ETL workflows that targeted the Transportation Rates table in 2.7 will need to be updated.
Optimization Cost To Serve Parent Information Report has had the CurrentNodeName and ParentNodeName renamed to CurrentSiteName and ParentSiteName. All upgrades will be handled automatically, but any dashboards or external data visualizations that target these columns would need to be updated.
HOPPER Enhancements
- Time Windows
- OperatingSchedule has been added to the Transportation Assets table
- OperatingSchedule will now be supported for Facilities and Customers
- MaxWaitTimePerRoute has been added to the Assets table
- Breaks / Rests
- Many fields added to the Transportation Assets table to cover the max drive and max duty time before breaks / rests, how long breaks / rests will be
- Delivery / Pickup Time
- Fixed and unit delivery time fields have been added to the Customers and Facilities tables
- Out Of Route Distance
- Fields added to the Transportation Assets table to define the max out of route distance
- Transportation Rates
- The existing 2.7 Transportation Rates table has been renamed to Transportation Band Costing, with a new Hopper-specific table added taking the name of Transportation Rates. This will now support location-specific rate structures
- TransportationRateName / TransportationRateType columns added to the Transportation Assets table
- Load Balancing Tables
- Load Balancing Demand / Schedules have been added to enable load balancing problems
- CO2
- CO2 inputs have been added to the Transportation Assets table
- Asset Weight has been added to the Transportation Assets table
- Output Tables
- New columns added to relevant tables to report new input capabilities
- Transportation Activity Report
- Transportation Tour Summary
- Transportation Validation Report
NEO Enhancements
- Demand Origin Constraints
- New table added that allows for the required path origin to be specified for demand records
- Fuel Surcharge
- New columns added to the Transportation Policies and Transportation Modes tables
- Supplier Capabilities Unit Cost
- A unit cost is now available in the Supplier Capabilities table
- Customer Demand Delivery Frequency
- Delivery Frequency will now allow customer-facing lanes to have their drop size calculated as Demand Quantity / Delivery Frequency. This will override the shipment size used for these lanes and will aid in rate-based costing
- Transportation Band Costing – renamed from Transportation Rates
- Shipment Size added as a lookup column to help with rate-based costing.
- Work Centers Minimum Throughput
- You can now specify a minimum throughput in the Work Centers and Work Centers Multi Time Period tables
- CO2
- CO2 inputs have been added to Facilities, Work Centers, Transportation Policies, Transportation Modes, Production Policies, Supplier Capabilities and Processes
- A CO2 Cost and Max CO2 Emissions can be specified in the Model Settings table
- Sequential Objectives targeting CO2 Cost and CO2 Emissions have also been added
- Cost To Serve
- Cost To Serve Unit Basis added to the Model Settings table will now allow you to configure if cost allocation should be performed over quantity (default), volume or weight
- Outputs
- New columns added to relevant tables to report new input capabilities
- CO2 Emissions Summary
- Cost To Serve Path Segment Details and Cost To Serve Path Summary
- User Defined Variable Term Summary
- Optimization Demand Origin Summary
THROG Enhancements
- Production Wheel
- Production Wheel Details table has been added to specify the rules surrounding the production wheel sequences.
- Production Queue Details will now accept Production Wheel as a QueueingPriorityLogic entry, with a named Production Wheel as an entry in the QueueingPriorityLogicValue field
- Transportation Route Planners
- Enables multi-stop routing within THROG solves with initial support for Fixed Routes and engine-generated routes as defined in the Transportation Route Planners table
- Transportation Drivers table added
- Fixed Routes / Fixed Route Definitions tables added
- RoutePlannerName column has been added to the Transportation Policies table
- Review Schedules
- A new table has been added to allow custom review schedules to be specified. You can now specify the review time at each day of the week and create a schedule, then assign this schedule to any Review Period field in input tables.
- Outputs
- New columns added to relevant tables to report new input capabilities
- Simulation Route Report
- Simulation Route Segment Report
- Simulation Route Stop Report
- Simulation Transportation Asset Summary / Replication Detail
TRIAD Enhancements:
- Greenfield Validation Report
- A specific validation report for Greenfield solves