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Resolving ODBC Connection Errors

There can be many different causes for an ODBC connection error, this article will contain specific error messages along with resolution steps.

Error Message – SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected

Resolution: Please make sure that the updated PSQL driver has been installed. This can be checked through your ODBC Data Sources Administrator

odbc admin

Latest versions of the drivers are located here: from here, click on the latest parent folder, which as of June 20, 2024 will be REL-16_00_0005. Select and download the psqlodbc_x64.msi file. When installing, use the default settings from the installation wizard.

Error Message – SSL SYSCALL error: No error (0x00000000/0)

Resolution: Please confirm the PSQL drivers are updated as shown in the previous resolution. If this error is being thrown while running an Alteryx workflow specifically, please disable the AMP Engine for the Alteryx workflow.

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